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What is the best way to care for my piece?

At by charlotte, we pride ourselves on quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each unique piece is designed in-house and meticulously refined by our designers and Charlotte herself. From the initial drawings to the final samples, we work clos

How do I clean my jewellery?

Sterling silver and solid gold pieces can be cleaned using a soft polishing cloth or ideally a jewellery cleansing solution. Gold and rose gold plated pieces should be cleaned very gently with a soft polishing cloth. Do not use tissue paper or paper

What is tarnishing?

Tarnishing is a thin layer of corrosion on metals, resulting from a reaction to moisture, air or chemical compounds with the metal in your jewellery. This will appear as a dark surface discolouration to your jewellery. All types of jewellery that are

How can I best prevent tarnishing?

Tarnishing is a natural process that can sometimes cause the metal of your jewellery to discolour or oxidise quickly. Some ways we can avoid this from occurring are:

My jewellery has tarnished. What can I do?

It is within the nature of gold-plated jewellery to occasionally tarnish. Some perspiration and body oils can be more acidic than others, which can sometimes cause the metal of your jewellery to discolour or oxidise quickly. To avoid this process occ